Long Time no Post
February 4th 2025
Well then
I know I said I might not be available, but I didn't expect to disappear for so long! A lot has happened these past few months so this might be a longer post. You have been warned!
To start, I've made huge progress with my fursuit head
The reception has been less than ideal. I was largely very pleased with the final product, but amongst furries it was misunderstood. Many furries don't like fursuits that are atypical of the classic cartoon style mold so to speak and had many unkind opinions to share when I revealed him publicly. I think it's a real shame that a fandom built upon being different and weird would outcast a fursuit for being ... different and weird. Unfortunately for everyone else I make art for myself and if you don't like it that's just too bad.
Amidst the negativity I did end up receiving some helpful advice that I plan on implementing. Someone walked me through how I can pick the fur out of my seams to hide them, and it made a HUGE difference. I'm also going to be cleaning up the transitional area around the mesh and repainting it so it's not so visible, before I seal it.
Also I realized that I had unintentionally pinched the elastic of the jaw when furring and this greatly limited the jaw mobility, so I'm currently resewing that area to make sure all the jaw parts are clear and have plenty of space to move.
Finally there's some minor aesthetic tweaks I might make. I am adjusting the nose to be slightly higher which will help separate it from the mouth at some angles. The jaw fur is being brought in so the lips will appear thinner, and I am also extending the lips into a smile to soften his expression a touch. Finally he is still missing eyelashes which will likely be thin felt strips. I suspect that when the eyelashes are on the eyes will appear larger and a bit more shapely so I suspect it'll make a big positive difference.
For awhile there the severely negative reaction had really gotten under my skin. I decided against bringing him to ANE this past January which I later regretted. I didn't want to post photos of him and had lost my motivation. However, it became clear to me that a lot of that hate had nothing to do with the quality of the mask at all and everything to do with my intentional style choices. Multiple people even drew over photos of the head to show me how much better it would look if I gave it big disney style cartoon eyes
Clearly those people don't understand that if I wanted a cartoon style mask I would've made it that way. No matter - I have faith that in time the like minded individuals that can appreciate my art will find me. Till then I will continue to persevere.
In other news I finally have an official top surgery date
June 9th!
I'm extremely excited. Honestly it can't come fast enough! I'm super hype for my first summer tit-less, even if I'm gonna be taking it very easy hahah. Lots of doctor appointments between then and now for me and my wallet to look forward to ...
I am still planning on going to Anthrocon! I might be pretty low energy, it's hard to say how exactly I'll be feeling at that point post-op but I still wanna suit around. Fingers crossed but I actually might be getting a suite, and if so I will definitely be hosting a room party at some point lmao
Ok now for some less exciting stuff
School. I'm still doin it. Unfortunately I'm probably gonna be just as busy so I don't forsee very much activity here in the near future. I will try to pop in as I finish projects and with other major life updates
Speaking of updates, I know I've let the site fall onto the back burner a bit but I am still planning some major updates to the site. I want to fully redo the gallery section to be bigger and more visually pleasing. I also wanna finish and upload my commission information. The website is currently missing a splash page I had planned for better navigation and that needs to be added. Down the line, I want to have a digital cookbook where I can archive recipes and I really wanna make a dent on this project as it seems many recipes might disapear off certain sites soon (like tiktok)
Of course none of that even includes the shop that I am still whittling away at. It's kind of like its own website and is a larger undertaking than the other updates. Originally I had been prioritizing this section however with certain political climates I realized that some of the merch items I was originally planning on offering are no longer realistic or profitable so I've put a pin in the whole thing for now. I still want to offer the originals of my artistic projects eventually so even though I am shifting gears the shop will be realised eventually
Don't forget that you can always reach me on Telegram with any questions, commission requests, or just to chat! Another great way to support my work is through my KoFi. Now more than ever I could really use it!
Honestly one of the best ways to help me continue making projects is just to be here. Follow me on bluesky! Comment on my posts, or reach out! Let me know when I make something you really love! Those types of interactions are a huge morale boost and really help me motivate to do more
Thats all for now. Squirrel out
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